Florissant Arts Commission
The Arts Commission of Florissant seeks to promote artistic and cultural development within the City of Florissant through the presentation of traveling exhibitions and promotion of artistic events featuring sculpture, painting, photography

Sculpture on the Move
Florissant, as a member of the Creative Community Alliance, participates in Sculpture on the Move. A lease program designed to welcome rotating sculptures every two years in and around the City. With sculptures available at Manion Park, St. Ferdinand Park, The James J. Eagan Center and The JFK Center, there's sure to be a piece that sparks a reaction for you!
City of Florissant Mural Project
In association with the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Arts Commission of Florissant is working alongside the Parks and Recreation department to bring a rotating mural project to Koch Park. Murals will appear on the hand ball courts and be rotated out every six months. The program is open to anyone to submit works. The City of Florissant looks forward to creating vibrant, meaningful murals that enhance our parks and celebrate the creativity of our community.

For more information, click HERE.
The Arts Commission of Florissant meets on the second Monday of the month (no meeting for December) at the James J. Eagan Center in the Clover Room located on the lower level. Meetings are open to the public and include a time for public comment.